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Here Comes the Sun


Fighting the Winter Blues


While it's getting dark at 5pm and pretty chilly here in the Southeast this week, you might find yourself starting to fight the winter blues. It’s not just you, it’s an actual issue that many people deal with. You can help fight those winter blues by taking advantage of any warm sunshine you might find during the day, and be the sunshine to those around you.

During the work week try stepping outside for a few minutes on your lunch break and soak up that sunshine and free vitamin D. With the upcoming holidays you can make plans to soak in some sunshine and/or take vitamin D supplements to help keep your levels from dropping during the cold winter months. Also, remember to STAY ACTIVE! Bundle up and go to the park, take a hike, ride a bike, or find outdoor fitness equipment in your area – any activity that will keep you moving outdoors can be helpful!

Other ideas for fighting the winter blues are exploring new healthy and comforting foods, visiting with family and friends, helping others, and discovering new hobbies.

One of the greatest things about our Earth and the different seasons is that they are a reminder that every year the winter comes, and the winter goes. You’ve got a 100% success rate for surviving winters so far. That’s pretty good! Every day we’re one day closer to those warm sunshine-filled days to come in the Spring. Keep looking up and putting one foot in front of the other friends, plan to enjoy the playground with your kids as often as the winter weather will allow and be the sunshine in the lives of those around you.

Remember it’s never a bad idea to check in with your doctor when you’re struggling. They are there to help!

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