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Why Should You Invest in a New Daycare Playground?


Why Should You Invest?

A playground at your daycare center can be a very smart investment. From improving enrollment, to keeping parents and kids happy and healthy, a great play area is an essential part of the daycare business. Not to mention the enhancement of the learning experience for the students. Each child needs play time outside and in the sweltering heat of the Southeast that can feel impossible without the correct amenities.


What are the possibilities?

  • Consider adding shades to your existing area for an instant facelift and extend playtime throughout the summer.
  • Is your current playground older and in need of updating? Struthers Recreation can help with playground inspections by our Certified Playground Safety Inspectors.
  • How is the playground surfacing at your daycare? Overtime playground surfaces usually need maintenance to be kept up to industry standards. Engineered wood fiber can wear down or wash out and must be refilled to the correct depth to prevent injuries.
  • Maybe your play area is in tip-top shape and could use only some benches or other amenities to make things easier on teachers.
  • There are many freestanding options available on the GameTime website for addition to your play area.


Giving proper attention and upkeep to your playground can not only attract new students and parents, it can help with early childhood development, prevent injuries, and inspire students as they grow and learn.


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