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Playground Maintenance

Playground Safety Surfacing icon

Playground Safety Surfacing

SafetyPlayground MaintenanceCustom

SAFETY SURFACING — it's more important than you may realize. We feel it is imperative for others to understand just how important safety surfacing is when creating a safe play area for your favorite kids! As parents ourselves, here at Struthers Recreation, safety is always first on our minds when designing and exploring playground options!

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Playground Cleaning and Maintenance

Playground Maintenance

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many playground facilities have been temporarily closed to help reduce the spread of the virus. This unexpected closure provides an opportunity to perform regular maintenance and cleaning that is often difficult when the playground is open. Below, you will find resources to help you MAINTAIN and CLEAN your playground.

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Tips for Playground Maintenance

Playground Maintenance

Well‐maintained playground equipment can help children to develop cognitively, physically, communicatively, socially, and emotionally in a safer environment. Along with helping to promote children’s development, a quality maintenance program has many positive outcomes.

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